Bruff's Bark Blog: February 2012

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dogs Underwater!

I saw these online today and they were too funny to pass up reposting. If you have any photos of your dogs you'd like to share with me please email them to me and I'll post the funniest one.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A Few Words of Advice

By having structured commands/ words which are used by the mummys and daddys and even the wee ones of a household it will help in the long run in basically telling your dog what is going on. Dogs can be willful just like people, but the biggest problem in owner-dog relations is that the dog is confused and doesn't understand.

Consistency is the best way - short words, no harsh tones - even if they are bad - change your tone. Keep the words the same. Also be careful of your hand signals as some dogs may find it threatening.

What a Fun Week!

Last week was a fun filled runaway week. Dogs playing, hiding, running and being naughty. Mr Boomer has had his mummy's mum's doggie, Molly, staying with him. Check them out!

Molly is an English Setter and she is full of beans! Half of Costorphine Hill came home with her after one outing. She was staying with Boomer for a couple of days so I had the pleasure of her company.

Skye's new Buddy!

My two dogs are very different, one looks soft - Rhu, one looks hard - Skye. When working one to one with Rhu and Skye they do really show their differences.

Skye comes across to many as an aggressive dog but when I take her out to work with the other dogs, she is the most amazing girl. She's happy, often dying to play and always looking out for her pals.

Jack (he is a confirmed lurcher collie cross) has come a long way in a very short period of time. His mum is a much happier owner; by getting to know your dog you're bonding and it makes everything so much easier. 

These two are able to run and play together, but Jack watches and follows Skye which helps the training and understanding for Jack.

 Jack now walks on with his collar and lead so much better, AND with another dog - it may not amaze some but to many it can mean a world of fun and peace with their dog.

Monday, 13 February 2012

New Toys or New Dogs?

What can you see?

Got a couple of new toys and a couple of old ones, but what and who can you see?

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Up Costorphine Hill with Beautiful Boomer

Here's a wee video of Boomer the Alsatian on a walk we did last week up Costorphine Hill. I haven't posted anything of him in a while but I can't say much more than he is just so well behaved and so sweet. He's quite smitten with me as you can see! He is 9 years old so he's not bursting with the same energy as my younger charges but he loves his walks up the hill.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Winnie back in da House!

Poor Skye has had a week to remember from morning til night as Winston, who is just a bundle of energy was scooting around. "Play! Play! Play! That's all I want to do!" It is great to see two completely different dogs play so well and have so much fun. Most of the time Skye can last but after 4 days she started playing dead just to get some rest.