Bruff's Bark is a service based around training dogs, then having fun on walk and plays. We work will all dogs of any age, background and temperament - we never discriminate - as every dog can become a good dog and we work to ensure every member of Bruff's Bark is a good dog.
All dogs in Bruff's Bark receive consistent training on their walks and plays: to enable all the dogs to behave both in and outside, with and without owners. We take a maximum of 3 dogs out at a time per trainer, to ensure safety and correct attention is given. Bruff's Bark use positive reinforcement - via treats or toys - to train all dogs, we never and will never approve of using dominance-based training.
We work with owners on any issues that are currently affecting or arise with their dog(s), as we want your dog to be healthy, happy and behaved! If we feel or notice any medical issues arising, we will immediately tell the owners and give any support we can - every dog is treated the same way as if they were our own. We are happy to work on a 1-to-1 basis if needed.
Finally we work as a environmental friendly company, having a carbon foot print of '0', we pick up all our dogs by foot or bike and walk/play in nearby areas. We don't us a van so there is no cages and no stress, just more exercise and more fun!
Contact Us
For Dog Walks, Training, Jobs and Anything Dog related:-
Hilary Bruff - 07963 596 908
For Information regarding our Blog or to Send in items:-