Bruff's Bark Blog: July 2015

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

We are Still Here!

Skye helping out with the paper work.

Yes, apologies for the lack of recent posts, we are working hard with all our dogs and dealing with paper work!

But we've got a lot to share though! So lets start with some pictures of the Band Members in action!

Left to Right: Bertie & Basie, Benji, Bonnie and Mortimer & his friend

And where would we be without a short clip or two, so here's Bonnie and a new member Ruby going for walks with Hilary!

Finally we've had Hotel Bruff has been busy, we've had big boy Buster for the past two weeks and a special night for Rudi with Thumper! So let's start off with Buster with the Girls!

Happy Time!

Sleepy Time.

Two different Labradors, same sleeping position.

Next up is Rudi and his night with Thumper!

King of the Couch.

Mid afternoon nap time for the pug.
And here's the video you would have been waiting for, Rudi saying hello to Thumper!

So we hope that keeps you all busy for now, we'll make sure to get back on to our regular schedule!

Red eagerly awaiting more updates!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Training Notice

Due to the Summer Holidays events at the Scout Hut and minor weather issues - it's meant to be summer right? - all Training Classes have been postponed until further notice. Many apologies but we hope to have our Classes up running as soon as possible!

One to One Training Sessions are still available though so please get in contact for further information!

Friday, 10 July 2015

Craig Gowans Memorial Fund

I had the pleasure of being a small part of something huge. On Saturday the 4th July 36 young people came together to play 105 hours of football to break the Guiness World Record. Not only that they raised over 85K for the Sick Kids Hospital. I am friends with all the champs as my younger brother Euan Bruff ( 1983-2008) was at school with them or my mum taught them! 

With my best pal Neil Harkins who took part in the mega operation.