Bruff's Bark Blog: 2016

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Doggy Politics

Bruff's Bark are not one for messing about with Politics, but this piece of news is worthy of a mention.

Duke, a nine-year-old Great Pyrenees. (credits: Independent)
In the town of Cormorant, Minnesota; they recently elected Duke as their mayor for his third term! He won the election with a landslide of 12 votes! If only we had someone like Duke to vote for here.

You can check out the full story here: Independent and even check out Duke's own Facebook!

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Who is the boss? Bonnie is the boss!

I do love a good run with my running buddy Bonnie up Costorphine Hill, although whenever I stop or want water I get told off for stopping!

Bonnie is defo the boss on her runs!!

Elmo has a new Bro!!

Now, Elmo is a cheeky chappy and now has got a cheeky side kick called Harley.

He is a 9 and a half year old Lurcher. This old lad has had a colourful past  and not all good.

He is now able to put his stressful past behind him and enjoy being  part of the Bruffs Bark Band.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Bootiful Big Boy

Took Yogi for a fun playtime down to Inverlieth Park, but all he wanted todo was bake in the sunshine!

Cheeky Chaps.

Beau and Vagas having a fab time in the park. They do love thier toys!

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Buddies in the Sun.

Here is best pals Big Boy Buster and Pretty Lady Sorchca. He always wants his picture taken! Check him out in the back ground. haha

Having a wee rest in the Sunshine

Bonnie and Me enjoying a wee sit down in the sunshine.

Green Lady

Up The Hill today with Blonde Bonnie- she came running round the corner with half a green head?!. So happy with herself! Daft.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Cleaver boy!

This big boy is Harley, he was a member of the Bruffs Bark Band Agility Team.
He was 1 of the first pups to take on the 6ft ramp and the seesaw.
He is now taking part in all kinds of fun Agility Competitions, and by the looks of it doing really well.

Mega woof wall!

Even when clients are not in Edinburgh they always are thinking of me and my love of dogs!

Message for All Clients

You should have received a letter about Hilary's upcoming Holiday Dates, but just as a reminder. Here are the following holiday dates.

  • 21st June - 25th June 2016
  • 29th June - 3rd July 2016
  • 30th July - 7th August 2016

The rest of Bruff's Bark's Staff will still be available to during these dates, so please get in touch with them for any information.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Looking happy Oscar!!

The Master Oscar is back for a wee holiday! The girls have been giving him the run around - so he is gubbed!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Back in da house!!

Now we have Oscar staying with at Bruffs Bark Hotel. His mummy and daddy are getting married tomorrow, so he gets to come play with the girls.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

They always bring the sunshine!

The two big blondes enjoying the sunshine at last. How long will it last is anyones guess.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday Rudi!!

Here is our wee man now becoming a bigger wee man!! Happy Birthday to the Original Rude Boy. Rhu and Skye sends you loads of licks .xxx

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Doggy News

So it's been pretty busy in the world of dogs recently, so let's start with the important news!

Source: BBC News
Some of you might have done it to protect your dog(s) from getting lost or taken but now it's law! Yes, microchipping your four legged friend is now law! So if you know someone who hasn't chipped their dog or you haven't done it yourself, get it done as soon as possible! As there is a fine of up to £500!

Next up, related to the previous news, is the exposure of 'Land of the Strays' in Costa Rica. This is about Territorio de Zaguates, a dog haven that's run in by volunteers to take care of the countries strays. With over 900 dogs in the shelter, it take a lot of hard work and some big walks to make sure every pooch is taken care off! Full story here.

Source: Telegraph
Finally, a heartwarming story about a truly remarkable dog, Lucca the 12 year old German Shepherd who has been awarded the PDSA Dickens Medal for her bravery and loyalty. She puts some of the Bruff's Bark Band to shame, who just fear going out in the wind and the rain!

Saturday, 9 April 2016

I am in control

Big boy Buster stamping his authority in the house. No changing the channel while I am in the house!

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

In the corner

Nobody puts Baby in the corner, but Buster sure puts  Aunty Hilary in the corner when it comes to dinner time!!!

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Who is in the house again?? Rudi is in the house

Wind blowing outside , rain pelting the window but here in the Bruffs Hotel it is all snuggled down cozy and warm.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

The Hound of the Boswall

The weather has been of unknown with fog and sunshine, and rain in between! But we are out no matter the weather and so are the Bruff's Bark Band. So Noah the big pup got to go on a journey through the heavy fog and experience the art of getting lost in it!

Look at that big grin!

Next up we have Noah meeting a lovely girl who we've had since a pup as well, Juno - she's over a year old and he's still got more growing to do! They were instantly inseparable and knackered each other out by running, running and running!

Friday, 26 February 2016

February Catch Up!

So February is nearly ended?! The weeks just seem to fly in, least it will be Spring and Summer soon though! We've had some sun at least in the meantime, though it's still a bit chilly!

So we've had Digger come to Hotel Bruff for the day and as you can see he's made himself right at home and fast asleep with Skye.

Next we had a big adventure with the Girls, Buster and Noah!

These lot know how to be patient!
But they know how to have "fun", well at least Noah likes to move!

And then we have Cara meeting Noah for the first time and becoming best friends, whilst Rhu and Skye mope about.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Dirty Beasts

Well having been battered by one storm after another, what would be more fun than MUD!! Noah was out trying to become a black lab today. Puglet Rudi was not best impressed with the mud between his toes. Rhu and Skye had a no bother with dirt!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Great Start to February!

So February has well has truly started, we didn't even notice January ending! The weather hasn't changed much just a new storm every week!

So here's what's been happening at Bruff's Bark:

Kari has been learning swim in the new rivers!

Noah has learned of the mud and has tried to change from a blonde to a black labrador, much to our constant pleas to stay out of it.

And Skye loath of the wind and rain has made her an unhappy dog, wanting to just sleep the days away - we know that feeling.