Bruff's Bark Blog: January 2015

Monday, 19 January 2015

Back to School!

After a long period without Training Classes, due to weather and the holidays, they are back in and in full action!

We've got new equipment including 2 ramps and a see-saw for all new fun tricks to be learnt!

So here's some videos from the first class of 2015 starting with Jake on his first time at the classes, this little pup shows no fear and 110% enthusiasm! 

And next is a big boy how knows it all, it's Yogi showing off training from his perspective! 

Friday, 9 January 2015

Bit Late...

But we couldn't not share these lovely moments from Christmas!

First up is Floyd, dressed up for the season! At Bruff's Bark we do wish Father Christmas was a dog!

Next up, here's Hilary, Rhu and Skye posing for the family photo! Don't they all look so happy!

Finally here's a quick video of Christmas at Hotel Bruff and the Girls getting their well awaited presents!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Hello 2015!

We hope everyone had a great New Year and is ready to get stuck into 2015!

We are back to normal after a restful break and with that we'll be starting our Training Classes up again on the 17th January and onwards through the year! We have new exciting equipment for all the dogs to enjoy!

With that we've got a some new technology over Christmas and we'd like to share some footage of it in action! We have a GoPro video camera and a dog harness, so we can get an exciting view from our dogs perspective - we need to do a bit more playing with it as well - so here's a little video of Skye wearing the gear!