Bruff's Bark Blog: March 2013

Saturday, 30 March 2013

The weather outside is frightful...

But not for our extreme sports pug, Winston! His mum has kindly let us share some photos of our little man braving the cold up some more mountains - he is truly one of a kind!

Also Hilary is currently on holiday till the 6th of April, so contact Tom for any dog walks and plays.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

What a Year!

Rocky and Rhu - what a couple they make!
It has been just over a year since I've started working with Hilary at Bruff's Bark, and what a time it has been. I've faced the good, the bad and ugly days both in weather and experiences but I couldn't be any more happier in what I'm now doing.

As much as I would love a dog for myself, I feel I've got a huge pack of them now and I love them as if they were my own. Yes, sometimes they can be a bit naughty but I still care for them no matter what and I hope I'll have many more years with my furry friends.

I'm forever grateful to Hilary for giving me the chance to work beside her and learn. I do believe we'll have more fun days and gain more canine chums to join the Bruff's Bark Band! Every day is different and it can only get better and busier!


Saturday, 16 March 2013

March Madness

For a few days this week we've been seriously wondering which season we are currently in now, but nevertheless we continued on through the blizzard conditions to the warm sun come the end of the week but not without loads of videos of our furry friends!

We start with Bailey, Jack, Scarlett and Betty in the best of the blizzard!

Here we have Chloe enjoying the weather to the max, almost camouflaged in the snow!

Thirdly we have Rhu, Skye, Buster and Winston enjoying the cold but calm weather.

Finally we have Kari - a new start to the Bruff's Bark Band - enjoying a good play in the aftermath of the awful weather!

Also we have received our Dog Walking permits from the Council!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Dog Thefts

Recently there has been an increase in missing dogs/thefts in the Edinburgh - areas such as Gypsy Brae, Cramond, Crewe Toll and other parts - and it is thought they are being stolen to be used in dog fighting.

Though this could be just a rumour, we still want everyone to be vigilant when they are out with their dog(s) and to contact the authorities immediately if they suspect or witness such an act. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Dog Walking Permits

The City of Edinburgh Council has recently introduced a new permit scheme for professional dog walkers using council parks and greenspace - click for the article.

We are happy about this new scheme and are all aboard it's code of conduct , in the hope that parks and greenspace will be more safe for dogs and the public - with a reduction in the number of dogs taken out together, enforcement of picking up poo and public liability insurance in place incase of any accidents.

We have already applied for our permits!