Bruff's Bark Blog: Betty stays over!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Betty stays over!

Betty, our puppy rottweiler is growing up fast and full of energy, she is best of friends with Bailey and Scarlett as you can see from the video below:-

But recently she has spent the weekend staying over with Rhu and Skye - and having a blast! Skye - per usual - has acted like a mother towards her, whilst Rhu an aunt. From the video and photos you will see the fun and chaos they had together.


Finally not to forget during the weeks of fun,we have our wizard Merlin! He now over a years old and feisty as ever; though after a good game of tug of war he loves nothing other than a little lie down to rest.

Also you may have noticed we've added another tab labelled "Staff Holidays", this is just to share dates of when staff are on holiday, but don't worry as we'll still be available for walks and plays during these as we have extra hands to help out!

1 comment:

  1. Betty looks like she had a great time :)
    She was a very happy pup when she came home.

    Thanks again :)xx
