Bruff's Bark Blog: December 2013

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Before we say it...

We'd like to thank everyone for their continued support this year, without it there would be no Bruff's Bark. We will continue to improve and bring a better and bigger service.

We've had a great year with loads of new faces joining the Bruff's Bark Band and new adventures with all our dogs. But now we'll have a few days peace and be back in action on the 27th for a few days, there will be special training session on the 28th - we'll be taking New Year's Day off - then it's full steam ahead into the new year!

We hope none of the Band members get up to any naughty business over the seasonal period and that they'll be ready for us come the new year!

So we hope you all had a great and Merry Christmas!


Hilary, Tom, Addison, Jamie, Rachel, Paul and Rhu + Skye!

Merry Christmas from Thumper as well!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Last Minute Round-Up!

Yes, it's that time of year again!

But before we say anything, here's some clips of the some of the Bruff's Bark Band members in action over the past week!

Here we have in order: Cara and CharlieDuke and finally Marley and his new sister Looney!

Finally, as some of the Bruff's Bark Band have been missing him - especially Skye - here's Oscar!

Look at that pose!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Puppies and Growing Up

We'll start off with Floyd and Ruby, these two have been growing up together and learning since they were old enough to get out the house and don't they know how to have fun!

Next up we'll have to two puppies, who have the energy to run a marathon: Scarlett and Alfie!

Scarlett has been in the Bruff's Bark Band nearly a year now - since she was a pup! - and Alfie has just recently joined the Band but is becoming friends with all the other members!

Finally, we have The Boys - Jack, Charlie and Marley - these three although no longer pups but still have show they know how to have fun. 

Marley being the youngest has grown up with the rest of the Bruff's Bark Band and Charlie has only recently joined as well but has already found his place and friends. Finally there is Jack, the oldest of The Boys - only 3 years old! -  and one of the longest serving members of the Band but can outrun anyone!.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

An unlikely Friendship

We have known for years that dogs whilst gentle most times, they will follow their prey drive and chase other animals.

But as you know a few of the Bruff's Bark Band have been introduced to a - sometimes unsocial - rabbit known as Thumper. Great care has always been taken during these times but there was a breakthrough with our Winston.

Last time they met, Winston wasn't too unsure of what to do with Thumper and just stayed away. But when they met again, Winston again stayed upstairs rather than feel glare of a rabbit.

Until later in the night when Thumper made a surprise visit upstairs to Winston and from there on a friendship was born!

What's that?

It's getting closer!

Oh, why hello there old chap!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

And they're gone!

Yes, we can't believe it ourselves!

All the calendars have been sold!
We hope that everyone who receives one is delighted as much as we are with them!
And apologies to all who missed out on them!

A thank you to all of the Bruff's Bark members for their patience and a special thank you to Lesley - Kari's owner - for some amazing photos!

On another note, we'd like to point out that during this seasonal period, Bruff's Bark will be out of action on the following days:

24th - 26th December 2013
1st January 2014